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Ubon Adventist International Mission School
UAIMS follows a modified American California State Curriculum in accordance with Seventh-day Adventist philosophy, which includes Thai language and culture. Listed below are the subjects studied at UAIMS:
Art and Music
Language Arts
Physical Education
Social Studies
Thai Language, Thai Culture and Thai History
Chinese Language
Adventurer and Pathfinder
The general English proficiency of non-native English speaking students is characterized by having the ability to speak fluently or perform competently in the acquired language. This often requires a suitable English-speaking environment, which immerses students in the language and promotes the development of English language fluency. Similarly, English spoken on campus presents on-the-spot linguistic indicators of the students’ English proficiency levels.
English speaking on campus is very important. Students should be able to speak English fluently in an international school setting. English speaking activities will be reinforced and communicated to teachers, parents, and students during school assemblies, school programs, parent meetings, and through electronic announcements.
Main Goals
The main goals of UAIMS for school-wide English proficiency are:
To encourage and enable students to speak English on campus with increasing frequency.
To train students to be effective communicators in the English language (ESLO).
To improve the image of UAIMS as an English-speaking institution of learning through schoolwide collaboration.
Policy Statement
At UAIMS, English is the only official spoken language in all areas of the school throughout the day including meal breaks and after-school activities.
Thai language may be used in certain areas at certain occasions, such as:
Reception area with Thai-speaking parents
Emergency cases in the school clinic when life and safety are more important than language used