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Ubon Adventist International Mission School
Kinder 1-3 Curriculum
Ubon Adventist International Mission School Kindergarten offers a transitional experience that extends the home and the early childhood program that considers the developmental stages if children as well as their individual differences.
Children are God’s gift to the human family, a continuing evidence of His love. They are created in His image, unique and endowed with the hope to think, to learn, and to choose.
The child’s image is form by the significant people in his life. Nurturing adult in the kindergarten program provide a safe and creative environment away from home, which enhances a positive self-concept in each child. When a child experiences success in this type of environment, there is a joy in learning.
Ubon Adventist International Mission School believes that true education is the harmonious development of the whole being. Therefore the areas of spiritual, cognitive, physical, social and emotional development become an integral part of the learning environment in the early nurturing of the young children.
Learning is a complex process that results from the interaction of the children with their environment. This interaction includes thinking, doing, modelling and speaking. Learning is optimal when the environment provides children with the opportunity to be engaged in these activities.
The goal of Ubon Adventist International Mission School is too cooperate with the Devine purpose of imparting to young children the knowledge of God and molding their character in the harmony with His. We also believe that each student grow differently. Therefore it will be more efficient to work according to their level. Considering this uniqueness, our department has chosen the Developmental Curriculum Program which is integrated with American Curriculum in order to reach these goals and cater the needs of each student in our school.
A Critical Thinker who
Effectively uses a variety of complex strategies (higher order thinking skills)
Effectively translates issues and situations into manageable tasks that have a clear purpose
A Quality Producer who
Applies academic and vocational skills
Uses resources and technology
Creates quality products
An Effective English Language Communicator who
Clearly expresses ideas in the English Language.
Effectively communicates with diverse audiences.
Demonstrates open-mindedness.
Understands cultural differences.
Effectively uses other methods communication.
A Collaborative Worker who
Values and demonstrates teamwork
Respects others’ ideas
Recognizes, appreciates, and utilizes diversity
Effectively performs a variety of roles
Works toward the achievement of group goals
A Self Manager who
Displays appropriate self-direction
Exhibits self-control
Monitors his/her own progress
Displays quality use of time
A Global Citizen with Integrity
Maintains high moral and ethical standards
Protects the natural environment
Practices a healthy and balanced life-style
Contributes to the welfare of society
Understands the Seventh-day Adventist worldview
Kindergarten 1-3
Learning Objectives / Areas of Development
I - Character Development
Knows how to share
Recognizes and respects God
Knows how to pray
Participates in singing
Appropriately quiet and listening to teacher.
II - Social Development
Relates positively to adults – asks for help or approval
Plays cooperatively
Participates in class
Respects others – teachers and classmates rights or properties that belong to others
Respects school materials and equipment
III - Emotional Development
Shows positive self-concept
Feels secure - can separate from parent/ baby sitter
Identifies self with first and last name
Accepts self - limitation
Accepts praise and criticism
Shows happiness/ pride in accomplishments
Expresses positive emotions
Expresses negative emotions in acceptable ways
Shows self-control
IV - Maturity in Work Habits
Pays attention to direct instruction
Completes assigned tasks
Makes a good use of free play
Seeks help is needed
Works neatly
Cares for personal belongings
Cleans up self and things after using
V - Mental – Cognitive Development
A - Language
Ability to say his/ her name, classmates and teachers
Follows classroom’s routines
Speaks English clearly
Recognizes letters A-Z and reads other simple words
Understands simple instructions
Knows five senses and parts of the body
Listen in Group
Identifies and names colors
B - Pre-Math
Counts 1-100
Matches sets one to one
Identifies by name square, circle, triangle, rectangle
Participates in calendar activities
Knows the concept of numbers 1-20.
Quantitative concepts , big, little, tall, short, many, less, full, empty
VI-Physical development
Establishes left or right handedness
Distinguishes left and right
Holds pencil correctly
Writes manuscript
A - Fine Motor Activities
Cutting paper
B - Gross Motor
Copies unilateral movement
Copies bilateral movement
Moves to the sound of music
Catches a ball
Bounces a ball
Throw a ball
Eye Tracks object
Stand on one foot
Walks in a line
Walks on a balance beam
Walks backward
Climb stairs
Rolls forward
Rolls backward
C - Personal Hygiene(self-help)
Take care of bathroom needs
Washes and dries hands
Uses tissue appropriately, if necessary
Demonstrates appropriate eating skills
Able to change clothes, put on shoes, tie shoelace by self or with little help
Fasten buttons, buckles, and zippers with little help