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Ubon Adventist International Mission School

UAIMS admits students of all nationalities and ethnic groups to the privileges, programs, and activities generally made available to its students. No religious commitment is required for admission; however, students who attend UAIMS are expected to comply with the religious principles of the school.
Student applications must receive UAIMS Administrative Council approval prior to student enrollment. The administrator or a designated person conducts an initial screening before submitting pertinent information to the Administrative Council for review. Students selected for placement have the opportunity to benefit from an education built on Christian principles.
Initial inquiries should be made to the school secretary. Prospective students with their parents are invited to take a conducted tour of the school. During the tour, the administrator or designee will answer any questions the potential applicant and his parents may have.
UAIMS maintains a waiting list for all open classes as a direct result of having more applicants than there are spaces in a given grade level. Parents must make sure to have their child’s name placed appropriately on the waiting list which the school secretary maintains. The family of the potential applicant will receive a call when a space becomes available. At that point the application process begins.
In order for a student to have a successful educational career, it is vital that he is placed appropriately. For kindergarten student placement, consideration is given to the learner’s social, physical, and emotional readiness. Students transferring from other schools or from home school are given an age-related assessment test in English and mathematics, and a non-verbal reasoning test, for proper grade placement.
UAIMS Administrative Council decides to accept an applicant based on the results of the interview and the placement test. Special consideration is given to siblings of children already attending UAIMS.
Grade 1 to 5
Students desiring admission to UAIMS may sit for a placement examination at any time during a given year. At the time of acceptance the student may begin classes if school is in session.
Students who fail the entrance examination will be admitted to a lower grade based on the recommendation of the Admission Committee.
Applicants who failed the placement examination and prefer not to be admitted to the lower grade may take a placement examination the following year.
Preparatory Level
The entrance requirement for UAIMS Preparatory Center stipulates that the applicant must be 2 years, 8 months at the time school begins or must turn three during the first semester of school or by December 31. Students who are less than three years old in August must pass the pre-school readiness test for admission. Students who turn three years old after December 31 of the current school year will not be admitted to the Preparatory Center.
New admissions are allowed to enroll in the Preparatory Center from August until December 31 of the current school year. Parents desiring admission after October will sign an agreement that stipulates if their child does not pass the entrance test for K1 (given in July), the child will remain in the Preparatory Center for the following school year.
School Waiting Lists
Entrance into the mainstream classroom is based on a student's standing on the UAIMS waiting list. All students are admitted into the mainstream classroom based on their standing on the official waiting list kept by the school secretary. Students promoted from the multi-grade classroom are accepted into a grade in the mainstream based on the recommendation of the multi-grade teacher or placement test results; and available space in the mainstream classroom. Students not enrolled in the multi-grade are required to take a placement test and in the event a student does not pass the placement, priority will be given to the student next in line on the waiting list.
Students requesting acceleration are placed in line on the waiting list, however, allowances may be made for unusual circumstances such as a student who is chronologically several years older or has been placed in a lower grade due only to the lack of English speaking skills, but accomplishes those skills at an accelerated pace.